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Featured market research resources

Find out how to collect more insights and drive better outcomes with information for market research professionals.

Go straight to: guides, case studies, or survey templates

Market sizing

Quantify the demand for your product, and pinpoint which market to enter next.

See template

Competitive intelligence

Measure awareness, usage, and NPS® for the key players in your category.

See template

Category awareness

Gauge the levels of awareness and adoption for emerging product categories.

See template

Consumer behavior

Understand your target market’s behaviors, perceptions, and needs.

See template

Shopper insights

Learn who, where, and how people shop for your product/service category.

See template

Path to purchase

Deep dive into the purchase decision making process of your target buyers.

See template

Product testing

Get feedback on your product concepts to learn which one will win in-market.

See template

Package testing

Test to see which packaging designs and messaging will stand out most with buyers.

See template

Pricing research

Know what consumers are willing to pay for your product and what’s too expensive.

See template

Ad testing

Test your advertising campaigns to know which will drive higher purchase intent.

See template

Logo testing

Get feedback on your logo ideas to find out which is most appealing to buyers.

See template

Message testing

See which marketing messages or claims resonate most with your target buyer.

See template

Brand awareness

Learn how many people are aware of your brand plus how and when they heard about it.

See template

Brand conversion

Capture the entire brand funnel from awareness to consideration to loyalty.

See template

Brand performance

See what’s most important when making a purchase and how your brand performs.

See template

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.