Questionnaire – Skills needs in the European microelectronics industry |
Presentation of the METIS project and of the aim of the questionnaire
The METIS project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by SEMI Europe, embodies EU excellence in microelectronics, with 18 partners from 12 countries representing industry (Start-Ups, SMEs, Large Firms), national and EU industry associations, formal educational providers and regulatory bodies in the field of accreditation and certification.
In 2020 and 2021, METIS has conducted an in-depth analysis of the skills needs in the European microelectronics industry.
To develop its competitiveness, the EU microelectronics sector needs to overcome severe skills shortages and to adapt to future needs in terms of skills and competences.
In this light, the objectives of the METIS project are to:
- Analyse key trends affecting the sector and provide strategic insights and foresights
- Develop a Microelectronics Skills Strategy to support the global leadership of the EU microelectronics industry, establishing operational linkages between skills and the future of the sector
- Design and deliver a modular and blended curriculum, integrating work-based learning that uses OER
- Establish an EU Microelectronics Observatory & Skills Council
- Embed social (diversity & inclusion) and environmental sustainability (circular economy) issues and EU policy goals in workforce development.
In 2020 and 2021, METIS has conducted an in-depth analysis of the skills needs in the European microelectronics industry.
The aim of this questionnaire is to monitor the skills needs evolutions since January 2022.