Please take a few seconds to fill out our anonymous survey. Your participation helps us improve our services.

Question Title

* Which of the following is your family doctor?

Question Title

* In the past 12 months, when you were sick or concerned about your health:

  Same Day Next Day 2-19 days 20 days or more Not Applicable
How many days did it take from when you first tried to see your doctor to when you had a consultation in person, by telephone or virtual?
How many days did it take from when you first tried to see a health provider at the Family Health Team to when you had a consultation in person, by telephone or virtual? (Nurse, Mental Health Worker, Dietitian, Patient Navigator and First Nations liaison)

Question Title

* In the past 12 months, when you consulted your doctor, did you feel you were sufficiently involved in the decisions regarding your healthcare?

Question Title

* In the past 12 months, when you consulted a health provider at the Nord-Aski Family Health Team, did you feel you were sufficiently involved in the decisions regarding your healthcare? (Nurse, Mental Health Worker, Dietitian, Patient Navigator and First Nations Liaison)

Question Title

* How would you rate the following elements? 

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Experience before your appointment (reception, wait time, etc.)
Experience during your appointment (feeling respected, understood, etc.)
Experience after your appointment (follow-up, lab results, etc.)

Question Title

* Please provide any additional comment in the box below.

Thank you for your collaboration.