Satisfaction survey on the care and services from the home palliative care team

We are interested in your opinion!
Satisfaction survey on the care and services received from the CIUSSS du Nord de l'île de Montréal
To help us improve the quality of our services, we would appreciate getting your feedback by using the QR code of the satisfaction survey.
This survey is anonymous; all data will be kept confidential.
Please note that  “practitioners” refer to the nurse, social worker, ergotherapist  and physician who are visiting  your home.
Thank you!
1.The practitioners in the palliative care team are warm and friendly during their visits
2.I feel morally supported by this team
3.I feel  this team listens to me
4.The  practitioners consider my cultural and spiritual values
5.I received the appropriate information on the care
6.The practitioners allow me to make decisions
7.The practitioners facilitate communications within my family and/or my close frends
8.The practitioners are concerned by my comfort
9.I have trust in the practitioners
10.If you had a magic wand, what would you propose to help us improve our care and services?