To better understand your realities, get a portrait of the Quebec produce industry labor, and represent your interests, here is a survey to complete before September 27th, 2022.
This survey will allow us to gather quantitative data and your opinion on the labor shortage.

Your individual responses will be kept fully confidential and will be only used in combination with other responses.

It will take you 10 minutes to fill in.

Question Title

* 1. What sector is your company a part of ? (Select one)

Question Title

* 2. What is your geographic scope of your business ? (Select those that apply)

Question Title

* 3. How many employees do you have? (Select one)

Question Title

* 4. Have you noticed a decrease in the available workforce in the last two years?

Question Title

* 5. Does the shortage of labor have negative consequences on the employment situation and your company?

Question Title

* 6. How many people would your company need to hire Today to become fully staffed and operational ?

0 Number of additional employees 100

Question Title

* 7. What percentage of your staff do you think retire in the next 5 years?

0 % of retired employees in the next 5 years 100

Question Title

* 8. What areas of your business have been impacted by the  labor shortage? (Answer at every line)

  None Some impact Significant Very significant Non-applicable
Safety / Inspection
Packing / Stocking
Warehouse / Distribution center
Carrying / Transport
Selling / Marketing / Marchandising

Question Title

* 9. To what extent have each of the following factor caused a decline in your labour supply ? (Please, rank in order of significance, from more important to less important, from 1 to 7)

  1. Availability and/or Contraint of government programs / subsidies
  2. Employment subsidies
  3. Change of career paths / job opportunities
  4. Work concerns schedule / salary
  5. Tasks types
  6. Employees wanting to work from home
  7. Family situation (child/parent caregiving, etc.)

Question Title

* 10. What aspects of your business have been most significantly affected by the labour shortage ?  (Select 5 most negatives effects apply)

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* 11. What is your biggest challenge in finding the workers you need?

Question Title

* 12. What solutions could help you to mitigate the labor shortage effects? (Select all apply)

Question Title

* 13. What are the main barriers to the development and adoption of automation and labor-saving technologies to your company?

Question Title

* 14. Do you have the labour market information you need to make decisions?

Question Title

* 15. In your opinion, are the services and programs offered by the federal and provincial/territorial governments sufficient to address labour shortages in the sector?

Question Title

* 16. What solutions would you like the federal and provincial/territorial governments to prioritize to address labour shortages in the sector?

Question Title

* 17. What immediate change woud you like to see in government services, programs or involvement?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any other comments about your company's labor shortage challenges and solutions?