Deftech Scan Bimonthly Newsletter - Help us making it better ! Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the deftech scan document ? Via the website Via a colleague - a friend - else I started receiving it after participating to deftech events Other Question Title * 2. You are reading the deftech scan Fully Partially You are browsing other (please specify) Question Title * 3. When do you read the deftech scan? Early in the morning, before going to work When you arrive at work At lunch time During the day on a break In the evening when I get home When I read the e-mail other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do you distribute the deftech scan around you? Yes No other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which topics/sections are of particular interest to you? Energy, Power, and Design Human Performance Enhancement and Protection Cyber and C4ISTAR Crewed Platforms Weapons Systems and Munitions Robotics and Uncrewed Systems I would like other topics: Question Title * 6. Do you have any suggestions for improving the content of the deftech scans? No, it is perfect this way. I would prefer topics / sections dedicated to technologies only. I would prefer topics / sections dedicated to technologies and their impact on the different systems. I would prefer an overview of the latest innovations and technologies that can be used in a defence environment. Yes, here are my suggestions: Question Title * 7. Do you have any suggestions on the frequency at which the deftech scan is released? No, every second month is a good pace. I would prefer a monthly release of the scan. I would prefer a yearly overview. this is how it would be ideal for me: Question Title * 8. Who are you working for? armasuisse S+T armasuisse (other than S+T) Swiss Armed Forces Swiss governement Swiss Industry Swiss Academy NGO Non-Swiss entity Else: Question Title * 9. Other comment or input to make it better ? I will contact you by email at Here are my comments Terminé