Website user experience survey

It is composed of a number of statements that you can use to evaluate your experience. Please express your level of agreement with each statement by ticking the corresponding circle. Be spontaneous, your answer should reflect your first impression. Please rate each statement even if you feel it does not fully reflect your experience. There are no right or wrong answers. Only your opinion counts!

Question Title

* 1. The website is easy to use

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* 2. The functions of the website are exactly right for my goals

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* 3. It is quickly apparent how to use the website

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* 4. I consider the website extremely useful

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* 5. The operating procedures of the website are simple to understand

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* 6. With the help of this website I will achieve my goals.

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* 7. The website is creatively designed

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* 8. The website would enhance my standing among peers

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* 9. I could not live without this website

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* 10. The design looks attractive

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* 11. By using the website, I would be perceived differently

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* 12. The website is like a friend to me

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* 13. The webiste is stylish

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* 14. If I ever lost the website, I would be devastated

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* 15. I would not mind if my friends envied me for this website

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* 16. The website exhilarates me

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* 17. The website makes me tired

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* 18. The website annoys me

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* 19. The website relaxes me

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* 20. When using this website I feel exhausted

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* 21. The website makes me feel happy

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* 22. The website makes me feel happy

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* 23. The website makes me feel euphoric

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* 24. The website makes me feel passive

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* 25. The website calms me

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* 26. When using this website, I feel cheerful

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* 27. When using this website, I feel cheerful

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* 28. Do you have any comments or suggestions about the Vianeo website?

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* 29. Thank you very much for giving us your valuable time.
To thank you, we are offering you a free 30-minute audit of one of your innovation projects. You can fill in your details and you will receive an email to make an appointment with Elise Faure or Thomas Herlin from Vianeo.

Question Title

* 31. Would you like to be contacted again after the website redesign to test the new version?

The information collected in this questionnaire is intended solely for the purposes of analysing and improving the user experience. It will not be sold or shared with third parties. By taking part in this questionnaire, you agree to your answers being used for these purposes.