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A short questionnaire to test your knowledge of your obligations/restrictions related to VFR flight
Un court questionnaire sur les obligations/restrictions reliées au vol VFR.
Source : Transport Canada, self-paced study program, 7th édition, February 2021.

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* 1. An aircraft cruising VFR in level flight above 3,000 feet AGL on a track of 290°M shall be flown at an

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* 2. What distance from cloud shall an aircraft maintain when flying below 1,000 feet AGL within uncontrolled airspace?

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* 3. The pilot of an arriving VFR flight shall make initial radio contact with a control tower in Class C airspace

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* 4. ‘Night’ in Canada is that period of time between

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* 5. Over non-populous areas or over open water, a pilot must maintain a minimum distance of ..... feet from any person, vessel, vehicle or structure.

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* 6. Flight through active Class F airspace with the designator CYR

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* 7. When in VFR flight within controlled airspace, a pilot must remain clear of cloud by at least

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* 8. The minimum flight visibility for VFR flight within a low level airway is

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* 9. When in VFR flight within a Control Zone, a pilot must remain clear of cloud by at least

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* 10. Unless otherwise authorized, a pilot on a VFR flight operating within a Class C terminal control area must

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