Welcome to the survey

Pour la version en français : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/Q5YKQFM

The MRC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau wishes to continue to improve its recreational infrastructure, the Véloroute des Draveurs, located between the municipalities of Low and Messines, for the resident population and tourists who benefit from this defining element of the territory.

It is within this context that the MRC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau is asking users of the Véloroute to take part in this survey in order to assess the appreciation of their experience on the bike path and the services surrounding it.

Respondents must be 10 years of age or older.

The survey will run until October 15


It is not possible to stop the survey and start again later. It must be completed in a single session. Otherwise, your information will not be saved. The time needed is between 10 and 15 minutes.

By participating, you are consenting freely and willingly. We encourage you to answer all questions.


No information that can be used to identify respondents will be disclosed. Once processed and analyzed, your answers will be securely stored.


If you require more information or help on how to complete the survey, please feel free to contact Sylvie Dejouy by E-mail at sdejouy@mrcvg.qc.ca

Your opinion is greatly appreciated, thank you for answering our survey.