A side event to the Brussels VII Conference, organized by Expertise France
This panel will address the stakes of a socio-economic inclusion of Syrian refugees in Türkiye, and the prospects of the latter to successfully access education and employment. The format of this panel will be a debate : the moderator will chair the discussion and address questions to each of the panellists, according to their respective experiences and area of expertise. A Q/A session with the audience will be held over the last 20 minutes of the debate. Questions may be submitted either in the room or via Zoom.
Date & time : Tuesday June 13th 2023 / 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CET
Venue : Rue du Trône 61, 1050 Ixelles, Belgique
Jérémie Pellet, Chief Executive Officer, Expertise France
Mutasem Syoufi, Executive Director, The Day After
Dilara Karaağac, LLM, Human Rights and Refugee Rights Lawyer (remote)
Ribal Azzin, Project Manager, Olive Branch Organization
Dr. Begüm Dereli, Project Officer, European Council on Refugees and Exiles
Dr. Fatma Özdemir Uluc, VET4JOB Project Team Leader, Expertise France (remote)
Nur İncetahtacı, Board member of Sened
The debate will be moderated by Emma Beals, award-winning investigative journalist and Senior Advisor at the European Institute of Peace.
If you wish to attend the panel in person, please fill out this survey. You will receive a registration confirmation via email.
If you wish to attend it online, please register through the following link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xQGtgCdPQsSLV3_MEW_iRA
Please note that the number of places to attend the event in person is limited; we therefore kindly ask you to register through this survey only if you are interested in attending in person. Otherwise, please use the Zoom link registration to attend virtually.
The panel will be held in English. Arabic interpretation will be provided only through Zoom.
Please make sure to arrive at least 5 minutes before the beginning of the debate.
Contact person: Jade Kahhaleh, Project Manager, Peace, security, stability Department at Expertise France jade.kahhaleh@expertisefrance.fr