Question Title

* 1. How often did you use the twinspace?

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* 2. How did you communicate with the other teachers ? You can tick several answers

Question Title

* 3. Did you improve ...?

  not at all a little quite  very much enormously
your iCT skills
your creative skills
your communication skills
Your cultural knowledge

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* 4. Which digital / web 2.0 tools did you use ?

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* 5. Which task have you preferred  doing ? (classify from 1 (best) to 8 (least )

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* 6. What is the most valuable thing you learnt through this project?

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* 7. Did you enjoy working on this project?

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* 8. Would you like to work on another etwinning project next year ?

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* 9. Suggest something we could improve in a future project ?