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* 1. Please enter information for billing

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* 2. I would like to register for the activity on November 9

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* 3. Dinner is included. Do you have food allergies?

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* 4. I would like to register for the activity on November 9

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* 5. Dinner is included. Do you have food allergies?

Question Title

* 6. Please choose your payment method

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* 7. Please note that :

- The invoice or credit card payment link will be sent to you later.
- Cancellation policy: Cancellation of your participation must be received before September 8, 2023 and is subject to a $25 administrative fee. No refunds will be made after October 8, 2023. However, it is possible to substitute the participant already registered with another delegate from your organization.
- Accommodation not included: Contact the Sheraton Saint-Hyacinthe at 450-250-5555 or 1-833-250-8555. Participants will have to mention the name of your group (PLQ Forum on the promotion of dairy protein) to benefit from the negotiated rate, before the break date of October 8, 2023 or until the block of rooms is full. .