ASTRAL is a European Union Horizon 2020 collaborative project that focuses on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) farming. 
Our aims include defining, supporting, and promoting this type of sustainable aquaculture production across the Atlantic area.  
For further information about ASTRAL
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You are invited to participate in a survey which aims to describe the state of the art practices in aquaculture in all Atlantic coastal regions and to identify potential new Value Chains.  

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* 1. I agree to participate in the survey. I understand the purpose and nature of this survey and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study and analysis of the survey at any time, without any penalty or consequences

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* 2. I would like my answers to be anonymous

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* 3. Company description

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* 4. What is the location of your production area?

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* 5. In what type of water do you operate?

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* 6. What is the size of your enterprise?

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* 7. What is the size of your production area? (ha= hectare)

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* 8. What is your total annual production?

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* 9. What do you produce? (multiple answers possible)

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* 10. What kind of system do you operate? (multiple answers possible)

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* 11. How many full-time employees do you have?

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* 12. How many part-time and/or seasonal employees?

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* 13. What is the estimated distribution of your production costs?

  0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100%
Raw materials
Location, licencing, buildings
Maintenance (sanitary, waste water management, repair…)
Energy, water costs

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* 14. What is your total annual sales volume?

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* 15. What kind of products do you sell?

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* 16. What are your target markets? (multiple answers possible)

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* 17. What types of environmental problems do you encounter (please tick all that apply)

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* 18. ASTRAL project opportunities

Would you like to take part in the project and become a member of our Aquaculture Helix (A virtual network for connecting aquaculture businesses and organisations across the Atlantic)?

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* 19. Would you like to receive the ASTRAL newsletter?