Your Numérique Premium end user experience feedback (2024) French-language Ebooks in Humanities, Social, Economics, Legal and Political Sciences Question Title * 1. Please choose the resource(s) for which you would like to give your comments: HISTOIRE GÉNÉRALE (GRAND PUBLIC) - General History (Public Libraries) HISTOIRE GÉNÉRALE XIX-XXe SIECLE (GRAND Public) - General History 19-20th centuries (Public Libraries) HISTOIRE ANCIENNE - Ancient History HISTOIRE MÉDIÉVALE - Medieval History HISTOIRE MODERNE - Modern History USUELS XIXeme-XXeme SIECLE - Reference Works in Contemporary History (19-20th centuries) RÉVOLUTION - EMPIRE - French Revolution & First Empire 1ERE GUERRE MONDIALE - 1st World War 2NDE GUERRE MONDIALE / Études - 2nd World War - Studies 2NDE GUERRE MONDIALE / Sources & témoignages - 2nd World War - Sources and Testimonials DE GAULLE - De Gaulle ZOLA ET ÉTUDES ZOLIENNES - Comprehensive Works and Studies on Zola and Naturalism ÉTUDES CINÉMATOGRAPHIQUES - Cinema Studies ÉTUDES DE LA LITTÉRATURE FRANCOPHONE - French-speaking literature Studies ÉTUDES DE LA LITTÉRATURE FRANCOPHONE II - French-speaking literature Studies #2 HISTOIRE ET THÉORIES DES SCIENCES - History and Theories of Sciences GÉOPOLITIQUE - Geopolitics HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE DU NORD - History of North America SOCIOLOGIE ET HISTOIRE DES MÉDIAS - Media Sociology and History USUELS ET GÉNÉRALITÉS EN HISTOIRE - Reference works and general information books in history HISTOIRE CONTEMPORAINE - Contemporary history HISTOIRE DE L'ART - History of Art HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS - History of Religions ÉTUDES PHILOSOPHIQUES - Philosophical Studies ÉTUDES PHILOSOPHIQUES II - Philosophical Studies #2 ENSEIGNEMENT DE L'HISTOIRE-HISTORIOGRAPHIE - Teaching History-Historiography PSYCHANALYSE - Psychoanalysis VIE POLITIQUE FRANÇAISE (XXe-XXIe SIÈCLE) - French Political life (20th-21st centuries) DROIT PRATIQUE - Law in action SCIENCES DE L'ÉDUCATION - Educational Sciences SCIENCES DE L'ÉDUCATION II - Educational Sciences #2 SCIENCES DES RELIGIONS - Sciences of Religions RENSEIGNEMENT ET SÉCURITÉ - Intelligence and Security Studies ATLAS DROIT FRANÇAIS - French Law DROIT EUROPÉEN ET INTERNATIONAL - European and International Law PSYCHOLOGIE - Psychology ÉTUDES DE LA LITTÉRATURE MÉDIÉVALE - Medieval Literature Studies PRÉPARATIONS AUX CONCOURS - Preparations to Competitions MÉTHODES DE LANGUES - Methods of Languages ÉCONOMIE-GESTION - Economics and Management FRANCAIS LANGUE ÉTRANGERE - French as a foreign language ÉTUDES DE GENRE - Gender Studies SOCIOLOGIE - Sociology What other thematic collection would you like to find? Question Title * 2. Who are you? Teacher - Professor Researcher PhD Student Librarian Reader Other Autre (veuillez préciser) Question Title * 3. Where do you work / study / read? In a university In a specialized school / institution In a research organization In a public library Other Autre (veuillez préciser) Question Title * 4. According to you what is the scientific interest of Numérique Premium resource? No interest Little interest Medium interest Large interest Core interest Question Title * 5. Would this resource be useful in your research / studies? Useless Hardly useful Very useful Question Title * 6. Which adjective(s) suit best the Numérique Premium platform? Easy-to-use User-friendly Ergonomic Well designed Well featured Please add any further comment about the platform: Question Title * 7. The ebooks are available in streaming mode without any DRM through an Internet connection. Would the file download be a must have in order to fully use Numérique Premium solution? Yes No No opinion Comment ? Question Title * 8. Would you recommend to your institution subscribing / purchasing thematic or customized collections ? Yes No What is the main reason? Question Title * 9. Please confirm your institutional email address or your personal email AND the name or your institution to take your responses into account: Terminé