City of Winnipeg - PayByPhone User Feedback

Help us improve the PayByPhone app by sharing your feedback. This survey will take approximately 5 min of your time.
1.Which features of PayByPhone do you find most useful?
2.Is Winnipeg the city where you used PayByPhone for the first time?
3.How frequently do you use PayByPhone to pay for your parking in Winnipeg?
4.Is PayByPhone your primary means of paying for parking in Winnipeg?
5.If you don’t primarily use PayByPhone to pay for parking in Winnipeg, what other method(s) do you use?
6.Have you experienced any issues when navigating the app? If so, please describe.
7.How easy is it to use the PayByPhone app to pay for your parking in Winnipeg?
8.What could be improved to enhance your experience with PayByPhone?
9.How likely are you to recommend PayByPhone to others?
10.Have you noticed any PayByPhone promotions or updates from the City of Winnipeg?