We are seeking your participation in a research project entitled "Relationships in Clean Energy Innovation Ecosystems". The aim of the project is to understand how and why the collaborations (or the cooperations) in Canada's energy industry contribute to strengthen the companies' clean energy innovation capabilities. This research project benefits from a certificate of ethics (#2223-065) from Université de Moncton. Before agreeing to participate in the survey for this project, please take the time to read, to understand and to carefully consider the following information.
Nature of your participation :
Your participation consists of answering the questions in a survey. To the best of your knowledge, you must provide the correct answers to the questionnaire, and no other tasks are required of you.
Personal risks or disadvantages, real or potential, incurred due to your participation
There are no risks to participate in this study. The main disadvantage is the time you will spend answering the survey. You are free to complete the survey on any day, at any time. You can also take a break at any time and return to where you left off, without your online participation being affected, as long as you don't close your window. We acknowledge and recognize that we may have access to confidential information that may be communicated to us voluntarily or involuntarily. Consequently, we undertake to anonymize and not to divulge or to communicate, for our benefit or that of any other person, any information likely to identify you and your organization. Your right of refusal and withdrawal will be respected, and you will not be influenced in any way to participate or to maintain your participation. Access to the survey and the questions do not identify you.