
The mission of the Health on the Net Foundation (HON) is to help individuals (patients and families of patients), medical professionals and health facilities access the best information on the Internet and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and education afforded by the tool. HON does this by validating the quality of the information provided.

The HONcode is a code of conduct guiding website managers in the implementation of fundamental mechanisms to provide high-quality, objective and transparent medical information that is adapted to the site’s mission and audience. A site’s transparency is directly linked to the usefulness and objectivity of the information it provides and to the publication of correct data.

Because the Internet is constantly evolving, the HON Foundation makes every effort to respond to the needs of all players in the health field as well as website users.

Thus, with the emergence of and increase in telemedicine sites, and the popularity they generate with Internet users, we wish to understand whether it is useful for the Foundation to offer a framework for health-related sites (whether goods or services), providing them with specific recommendations.

To do so, we require your opinion in order to best respond to your needs. All information provided will be used only for the purposes of this study and will remain confidential. We do not collect personal data other than your email address, should you choose to provide it. We do not use email invitation collectors. The privacy rules we apply to this survey are those of Survey Monkey; more information is available here.

We value your participation and your help and thank you for providing them.
10% of survey complete.