We would like to have your opinion on our site! This survey contains 10 questions and will take you less than 3 minutes to answer.

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* 1. Did you visit the SFA site for personal or professional reasons?

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* 2. What was the purpose of your visit?

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* 3. What did you particularly like and/or dislike about our site?

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* 4. Were you able to easily find the information you were looking for?

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* 5. How do you rate the relevance and clarity of the information available on our website?

  Very good Fairly good Neither good nor bad Fairly bad Very bad
Clarity of information
Relevance of information

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* 6. What is your opinion on the ergonomics and design of our site?

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* 7. Did you use the project selector (https://www.saniflo.co.nz/cms/2/wet-area-installation-project-creator)?

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* 8. Were you looking for a SFA dealer on our website?

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* 9. What other features and information would you have liked to find on our site?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments?