Lil Trucker - Made in USA preference Question Title * 1. How important was "Made in USA" in your decision to purchase the Lil Trucker? Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Not Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What would you say is your primary motivation in buying an American product? Quality of American products Product brand Patriotism/Support American values Support American jobs Ethical treatment of workers Better for the environment I am not more likely to buy American products over non-American. Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. When you buy an American product, how much more are you willing to pay? I'm not willing to pay more for an American product Up to 10% more Up to 15% Up to 20% More than 20% I'm not willing to pay more for an American product Up to 10% more Up to 15% Up to 20% More than 20% Other (please specify) Done