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Question Title

* 1. Studies have shown that about 30% of in-house projects are abandoned before completion.
Do you believe that the ratio of projects stopped before completion in your company/organization is

Question Title

* 2. Assuming that such a list could be published in your organization for all to know how projects are selected, please list ALL the criteria you will use before deciding if resources should be allocated to support a project, an innovation or a new initiative, regardless of its nature (new product, new service, new marketing strategy, new process, new ERP, etc,).

If in the past you have not already worked on this topic for jointly producing a collective list of criteria please list below (without consulting colleagues) you own selection of criteria (or questions you would ask).

Do not feel compelled to provide 15 criteria; you are expected to list between 1 and a maximum of 15 criteria, as you see fit.

Question Title

* 3. Assuming that this list of ciriteria is complete state how convinced you are that it would be good enough for allocating resources to projects/initiatives
(only one answer)

Question Title

* 4. Please select all the statements that apply to the above list of question
(multiple answers are possible)

Question Title

* 5. Is your list of question based on a structured decision tree for allocating resources to projects, such as the one presented in the book “Winning Opportunities, proven tools for converting your projects into success (without a business plan)” ?
(one answer only)

Question Title

* 6. If it turns out that your list of questions is not complete would you like to find out what is missing?

Question Title

* 7. Please state in which main industry your are active
(only one answer)

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate in which country

Question Title

* 9. Size of your company or organization

Question Title

* 10. What is your position?
(select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 12. To receive a personalized copy of the Survey results please enter your name

Question Title

* 13. Please enter the email address that we should use to send the results of the survey

Thank you!

Please do not forget to click on "Submit" button below