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The Town of Mount Royal has undertaken the elaboration of a special planning program (PPU) for the Beaumont sector. The area of activity includes the southeastern portion of TMR, and borders the municipal boundaries with the neighboring boroughs of Outremont and Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension.

The Town wants to hear the opinions of the residents of Mount Royal in order to adapt the PPU to the needs and image of its population.
Purpose of the survey

This survey aims to collect your ideas, comments and suggestions about the future development of the Beaumont sector. Your answers will help us develop a PPU that reflects citizens’ needs and aspirations.

Time to take the survey

The survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete and will be available from May 15 to 24 inclusive.


Your answers to the survey are confidential. The survey results will be compiled and summarized but individual answers will not be disclosed.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

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* 1. Do you live in Town of Mount Royal?

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* 2. How often do you pass by the Beaumont sector?

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* 3. Why do you visit the Beaumont sector? (Select all reasons that apply)

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* 4. Do the current mix and number of businesses meet your needs?

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* 5. Does the current provision of public, community and green spaces meet your needs?

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* 6. What means of transport do you currently use to travel to or from the Beaumont sector? Please select all options that apply.

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* 7. In terms of mobility, what do you think are the Beaumont sector’s strong points and weak points?

  Strong point Weak point
Accessibility by car (travelling to the sector)
Traffic flow (travelling within the sector)
Availability of parking
Configuration of streets and intersections
Accessibility by public transit (bus, metro, etc.)
Public transit service in the sector (bus, metro, etc.)
Comfort level for active transportation (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.)
Universal accessibility

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* 8. Which of the following options would make you more likely to use active transportation (walking, cycling) to travel to and from the Beaumont sector?

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* 9. How interested would you be in the following alternative mobility initiatives for travelling to, from and within the Beaumont sector?

  Very interested Interested Neutral Not very interested Not interested
Adding car-share vehicles (Communauto, for example)
Adding reserved parking spots for car-share vehicles
Reducing parking for vehicles from outside the sector
Adding micromobility options (e-scooters, for example)

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* 10. Imagine the Beaumont sector 10 to 20 years from now. What would you like to see developed?

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* 11. What are the priorities the Town should consider for the future development of the Beaumont sector? (Please rank your answers from 1 to 5 in order of priority)

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* 12. Would you like to make any additional comments about the future development of the Beaumont sector?

Again, thank you for your participation! Your comments and suggestions will be used to develop a PPU that reflects citizens’ needs and aspirations.

After being compiled and analyzed, the results of this survey will guide the Town in its development of the Beaumont PPU. A feedback session will be presented at an information meeting later this summer. We encourage you to attend and see the results of this integrated, collaborative process.
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