AFC Urgent Care - Exit Interview

1.Associate's Name:
2.Clinic Name:
4.Direct Supervisor:
5.Last Day of Work:
6.What was your primary reason for leaving AFC Urgent Care?
7.Add on: Were there any other contributing factors in your decision?
8.Are you comfortable sharing where you’ll be working in the future and the position title?
9.Add on: What about your future employer made the opportunity attractive for you?
10.If you could have changed anything about your job or the company, what would you change?
11.Is there anything we could have done to keep you employed with AFC Urgent Care?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 being worst and 5 being best), please rate the following:

*If response is rated as a ‘1’ or ‘2’, please capture specific comments in Additional Comments section below.
12.The training/on-boarding you received when you joined AFC Urgent Care
13.The level of respect given to you by your Manager/Supervisor
14.The pay offered regarding the position/job expectations
15.How would you rate the communication between you and your Manager/Supv?
16.How would you rate the current overall morale within your clinic?
17.The benefits (other than pay) offered to employees of AFC Urgent Care
18.The advancement opportunities for employees of AFC Urgent Care
19.Would you consider working for AFC Urgent Care in the future?
20.Would you refer a friend/family member to AFC Urgent Care for employment?
21.Additional Comments: