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Single Market for the Public Good: How can we unleash private resources for European solidarity?
Online Policy Debate on 1 October 2020, 16.30 - 18.00 h
European Day of Foundations and Donors
The current COVID-19 crisis requires actions from all different actors, be they public or private. European philanthropy already contributed more than 1.1 bn EUR to the corona crisis, amongst them more than 10,000 donors and foundations represented by DAFNE and the EFC. Looking ahead to the European resilience building process, there is a huge role to play for private resources funding public good. As today philanthropy is not able to operate freely across borders and therefore its potential is limited by regulation, we are staging a debate, taking place on 1st October on the European Day of Foundations and Donors. During the debate we will explore, with European policy makers as well as representatives from the foundation sector, how EU Institutions and Member States can unlock the potential of philanthropy to contribute to a socially, environmentally, and culturally resilient Europe.